Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Kaya Weeks

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I graduated from Slippery Rock in 2021. I am currently teaching 9th grade World History 1 and 11-12th grade psychology at Rappahannock High School and Richmond County, Virginia. 


2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why. 

One experience I will never forget is my student teaching experience. I had the best cooperating teacher and I’m very thankful for all they taught me. I do not think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for my co-op and my academic advisor, Dr. Hogue. 


3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

Dr. Mark Hogue. Dr. Hogue was constantly pushing me and encouraging me to be my best and was always there to offer guidance and words of wisdom when I needed it the most. He was one of the first people I met whenever I declared education as my major my sophomore year and his excitement and knowledge about the field of education inspired me from the beginning. 


4. What initially piqued your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

I had several awesome teachers in high school but I would say it was my AP Government and Politics teacher I had my junior year, T.R. Smith. Mr. Smith would go out to Utah and grade the AP tests and he had such deep knowledge and passion about the subject and I saw how students reacted to him and respected him and I knew I wanted to make that impact. Also my volleyball coach, Mrs. Holli Smith. She developed me as a player and a person and I cannot thank her enough for that. 


5. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The most rewarding aspect of my job is watching students develop and grow. I live for those “aha” moments. I would also say the fact that as a teacher you never stop learning. I very much enjoy learning from my students, coworkers, and others about how to be the best teacher I can be. Each day is something new and there is always a new way to improve. 


6. What makes a great teacher?

A great teacher is enthusiastic and forgiving. They are someone who is passionate and enthusiastic about both their content and, most importantly, watching their students learn and develop as people. Being forgiving is huge because everyone makes mistakes and it’s about how we learn and move forward from those mistakes.

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