Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Brittany Kratz

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I graduated from Slippery Rock University in 2018 with my B.S. Ed in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. While at SRU, I worked at both the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Student Health Center. During the summers, I worked jobs at multiple day care centers and summer camps. All these experiences have helped me grow my love of working with children and develop the skills to be a great employee. Also, during my time at SRU I served as an executive board member of NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary), which provided me a lot of opportunities to give back to my school and local community. Currently, I am a 5th-6th Grade Autistic Support Teacher at New Story New Holland, located in Reading, PA. My school is a private autistic support school for grades K-8.   

2. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is getting to see how far my students have come and the progress that they make day in and day out. Seeing their progress through out the year is monumental because of the students that I teach. It is also rewarding to see the little battles that they overcome daily as well as the way the students light up and are proud of themselves when it happens. Also, knowing that I helped them get there is rewarding as well.

3. What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program, and to SRU students generally?

Some advice I would give to SRU students in the teacher preparation program would be, first always go into all your field and student teaching experiences with an open mind. You may not always get the grade or subject that you like but you will never know unless you try it out and experience it for yourself. Second, get to know your professors!! They might be a reason you get a job or not. They could write you the best recommendation letter or have a connection to a district that you want to teach at that you would have never know about. Also, thank your professors! I felt that all the professors that I had with in the college of education went above and beyond with what they taught and how helpful they were to their students. Finally, for all SRU students, get out and get involved on campus. You will learn how to work with all kinds of people (some you may like and some that you may not). You will have more learning experiences and develop job skills you will never learn by sitting in your dorm room!

4. Name an SRU experience or faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

The SRU experience and faculty members that influenced me the most was my time working at the Office of Alumni Engagement as their Student Assistant. I worked there all 4 years that I was at SRU, and it has forever changed my life! Working alongside Tracy Allison, Kelly Bailey, and Lisa Luntz at the alumni office was the most rewarding experience of my college life. I learned so many important job skills, communication skills, time management, etc. Tracy, Kelly, and Lisa were my school family they helped me through a very rough time in my life and I know that I had not worked with them that I wouldn’t be where I am today or the person that I am today. Working at the Office of Alumni engagement also provided me with a multitude of opportunities to network with alumni, be involved with events that showcased the outstanding work that other SRU alumni are doing all around the world.  

5. What makes a great teacher?

A great teacher puts time and effort into making sure every single student’s needs are met. Great teachers provide loving, respectful classroom environments where all students are welcome and encouraged to be themselves. A great teacher also sets high expectations for all their students and then encourages and teaches those students to reach their potential, and they don’t give up on their underachieving students. Finally, great teachers are passionate about teaching and learning. Passion is what drives us to put so much energy into our teaching. It stops us from giving up when things get hard, and it motivates us to learn ways to improve our craft – no matter how good we already are. You cannot be a great teacher without a passion for helping kids learn!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany is such a great teacher! I had the pleasure of working alongside of her this year and she truly embraces the balance of teaching with passion, setting goals and limits while making learning fun! What an inspiration and such insight that will surely motivate and reach the hearts of many others!
