Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Brittany Fabbio

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I am from Pittsburgh, PA and went to Keystone Oaks High School. To continue my education, I went to Slippery Rock. After graduating SRU in 2019, I made the move to Central Florida. I am currently in my second year teaching in Polk County at Alta Vista Elementary teaching Kindergarten.

2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

One thing I loved about SRU was that I was given a lot of opportunities to succeed in my career through clubs and organizations. Student-PSEA made me the person I am today! I learned a lot by going to conferences and events.

3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

All of the faculty made a positive influence during my time at SRU. They were all there for me when I needed help for anything!

4. What initially peaked your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a teacher. I would play school when I got home from school and I loved all of my grade school teachers. I knew I wanted to be like them.  

5. What do you love most about teaching?

I love seeing the smiles on my students’ faces when they walk in the door. They brighten up my day and I love working with my colleagues.

6. What makes a great teacher?

A great teacher puts their students first and does anything and everything to make sure their students succeed.

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