Thursday, June 16, 2022

Lauren Hines

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held? Please include your current school district and grade/s.

Educational background includes BS Health & Physical Education K-12/ Exercise Physiology-SRU 1983-1987.  Prior to starting my teaching career, I worked as the Assistant Fitness Director at AT&T Headquarters, Bedminster, NJ. I moved to GA and began my teaching career. I taught a total of 30 years in the Cobb County School District, Marietta, GA  (1989-2019). I am currently retired (2019).   My positions held were Elementary Physical Education teacher (K-5)-4 years; Middle School Health (8th), PE (6th & 7th), Subject Area Coordinator/Scheduler, Health Curriculum Standards Committee-13 years; High School Health & Personal Fitness Teacher (9th-12th)-13 years; Coached-Volleyball, Track & Field, Girls Basketball, Girls Golf.

2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

Nominated and selected as one of the Maree McKay Education Scholarship recipients and member of Phi Epsilon Kappa (Honorary Fraternity for Health and Physical Education).  These accomplishments were memorable because it helped validate the hard work and dedication I put towards my studies and future in the field.

3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

After taking an Adaptive Physical Education class and meeting Dr. David Auxter, I became interested in the field and began some research work with him. He was a brilliant man and a huge mentor.   Over time I was able to work on a new textbook edition of his to be published. The most memorable experience was being co-author of a study with Dr. Auxter-  “Training Teachers of the Handicapped through a Competency Based Format to Instruct Motor Skills”, Resources in Education, ERIC Clearinghouse, June 1985.

4. What initially piqued your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

As long as I can remember I wanted to pursue a degree in education because I had the best role models ever- my mother and father!  Both were educators receiving their Physical Education degree from Panzer Normal College (Montclair State University) and later moving into the fields of Early Childhood Education (mother) and Science (father). 

5. What do you love most about teaching?

At all levels, I truly love the unconditional smiles of the students everyday.  Other major rewards of teaching was having a great team of teachers to work with and building relationships with the students-it's always nice when former students come back to check in/keep in touch. when they performed well and accomplished

6. What makes a great teacher? 

The main thing that makes a good teacher is making sure the students know you care and build their confidence.  Other qualities are to be consistent yet flexible, model respect, be compassionate, and a good communicator.  Lastly develop your style of teaching and stick to it!!


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