Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Brittany Fabbio

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I am from Pittsburgh, PA and went to Keystone Oaks High School. To continue my education, I went to Slippery Rock. After graduating SRU in 2019, I made the move to Central Florida. I am currently in my second year teaching in Polk County at Alta Vista Elementary teaching Kindergarten.

2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

One thing I loved about SRU was that I was given a lot of opportunities to succeed in my career through clubs and organizations. Student-PSEA made me the person I am today! I learned a lot by going to conferences and events.

3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

All of the faculty made a positive influence during my time at SRU. They were all there for me when I needed help for anything!

4. What initially peaked your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a teacher. I would play school when I got home from school and I loved all of my grade school teachers. I knew I wanted to be like them.  

5. What do you love most about teaching?

I love seeing the smiles on my students’ faces when they walk in the door. They brighten up my day and I love working with my colleagues.

6. What makes a great teacher?

A great teacher puts their students first and does anything and everything to make sure their students succeed.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Lindsay Romeo

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I graduated from SRU in May of 2020 and decided to attend law school. I am currently at Drexel Law in Philadelphia and I hope to graduate in 2023 and work in the Education Law field!

2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

I was really interested in my Special Education Law class with Dr. Merhaut, obviously, and I also loved all of the field opportunities we were given. SRU really gave me the tools to learn more about the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of a child’s education. Teachers are superstars but there is so much that is beyond their control that still directly impacts children, starting in the home and building to local and national policies.

3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

I can speak so highly of just about any faculty member at SRU, all of our professors are absolutely amazing. I loved taking class with Professor Alexander, she always welcomed me for who I am and supported my passions and ideas. She is such a wonderful professor who really taught me a lot about education from the ground up. I also loved learning about ABA with Dr. Beinek and Education Law with Dr. Merhaut. I use so much of what I learned in law school every day.

4. What influenced your decision after graduation to pursue a graduate degree?

I decided to attend law school because I knew I wanted to do more. I knew that the flaws in our system weren’t due to bad teachers, they were majorly due to the state of our local, state and federal governments. I want to support teachers and children from another angle, outside of the classroom. I am passionate about advocating for high quality education, children’s rights and criminal justice reform and I knew that law school, along with my background in education, would give me a unique skillset to best serve the community.

5. What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program at SRU?

Get to know your professors! SRU has some of the best professors and I truly have nothing bad to say about the education department at SRU. Go to office hours, ask how you can get involved, reach out to members of the community and take advantage of all of the wonderful opportunities, resources and services that are at your fingertips. The world is truly your oyster at SRU, be a leader and put in the work to make a change in your community.

6. What makes a great teacher?

In my opinion, a great teacher never stops learning. SRU gives you the tools to go forth in your life and continue your education, so take advantage of the skills you’ve practiced and never stop learning. I think great teachers need to learn about the injustice in our system, the politics that impact education, different types of family dynamics, financial assistance programs that your students rely on to eat, etc. There is so much that happens outside of a teacher’s classroom that needs to be taken into account. Never stop learning, never stop growing and your students will follow.

7. What was it like transitioning into law school? How can students prepare if they’re interested?

Going to law school as an education major isn't a smoothly paved path, but it definitely isn't impossible and that should not deter you. All you need to do to go to law school is take the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test), which is a test of logic and reading, and apply to schools. While the majority of my classmates came from business-centered or political majors, I do have two other classmates who have backgrounds in Education. Education Law is a booming field, having a foundation rooted in the field is such an advantage to best serve your clients. If you’re passionate about education, children’s rights or social justice, law school may be a great fit for you. I am happy to discuss any questions or thoughts you may have about following this path.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Andrew Huff

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

North Allegheny ‘91, SRU BS Ed./Biology ‘95, Mississippi State Univ, MS General Biology ‘10. 

Frederick County Middle School, Winchester,Va, 7th grade Life Science Teacher ‘96-‘01.

James Wood High School, Frederick County Public Schools, Winchester, VA ‘01-present, 9th grade Honors Biology & 11/12 AP Biology, Science Department Chairperson.


2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

While student teaching, I met with my supervisor, Dorothy Kiebler, at her house for a short breakfast meeting. Her commitment to teachers in preservice training and to education in general moved me greatly. She represented all the awesome things SRU had to offer. 


3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

Dr. Frank Hoffman. Doc’s passion for biology, his sense of humor, and patience with his students is largely what inspired me to shift from a biology major to teaching biology. The opportunity to be a lab assistant gave me those initial jolts of enthusiasm I needed to push me to be a better student and teacher. That, and to always grade in green ink!


4. What initially peaked your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

As a 2nd semester freshman, I was struggling with living away from home, juggling a science major course load, and a lack of vision for my future. In talking with Doc Hoffman and also a timely visit with a cousin out in New Mexico with whom I briefly Tutored in Algebra, I realized how much I loved working with people who wanted to learn. 


5. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? 

As an educator in the second half of their career, tired at the end of most days, I find the energy I get from my students when they are excited about a topic really recharges my batteries. This makes me excited to get to school (most days!)


6. What makes a great teacher? 

A teacher who listens to, cares for, and makes time for their students. I am in awe of colleagues who give endless hours tutoring, coaching, and supporting students for little or no extra pay.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Cara Welfer

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?

I currently teach high school students with intellectual disabilities in Sarasota County, Florida.  My students are amazing and they encourage me to be my best.  I honestly cannot wait to see them EVERY morning! 


Prior to this teaching position, I was the Exceptional Student Liaison here for 7 years since 2004.  This position provided hands-on experience with the Response to Intervention and the special education and gifted staffing process including developing IEP’s, schedules, and training teachers. 


1998-2001- I taught special education (grades 1-3) in Lake County, Florida, while I earned my master’s degree from the University of Central Florida.


2001-2004-  I taught middle school students with disabilities at a middle school in Orange County, Florida


2. Name one SRU experience, in general or specific to the field, that you will never forget and explain why.

In the Spring of 1998, I had the pleasure of student teaching in Pine Richland School District.  During my internship, I was often drawn to struggling students.  I particularly remember one third-grade student that was new to the area.  She and her mother relocated from another state when her parents divorced. The girl’s difficulty to adjust and loneliness was evident and I quickly felt the need to help her.  I spoke with one of my favorite SRU professors, Dr. Gordon, and he encouraged me to be “the adult that I needed when I was younger.” With his guidance, I was able to build a relationship with her and some of the other students that were viewed as “unreachable”.  I realized that semester that my passion was working with struggling students and decided to pursue a master’s degree in special education.  


3. Name an SRU faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.

Dr. Gordon!  He believed in me and encouraged me to believe in myself. 


4. What initially peaked your interest in pursuing a degree in education?

I grew up in a family of educators and school administrators.  As a very young child, I loved playing “teacher”. 


5. What do you love most about teaching?

The students!  There is something magical about watching a student graduate and feeling that I had some small part in making that happen.  😊


6. What makes a great teacher?

My students make me a great teacher.  I learn from them!  They have taught me so much over the years.