1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?
- BS in Elementary Education from SRU 1967
- Masters in Education from SRU 1972
- Principal’s Certification from Westminster College 1974
- Doctorate in Educational Administration The University of Akron 1979
- Elementary Teacher at New Castle School District and Neshannock School District
- Elementary Principal at Neshannock School District
- Executive Secretary for the Tri County Athletic League
- Executive Secretary for the MAC Conference
- College Professor Youngstown State University
- College Professor Slippery Rock University
- Assistant to the Dean Slippery Rock University
- Founder/President of HH Education Events
2. What initially peaked your interest in pursuing a degree in education?
There was not a specific event or person who propelled me into education. It was more of a happenstance experience. Upon reflection I must point to my student teaching experience and the interactions I had with students, faculty and administrators. I came to realize that being a teacher is truly special. It was during this time that I also learned that teachers had many special challenges but there was also a high level of joy and satisfaction associated with being a teacher.
3. What has been your most rewarding experience as a teacher/professor?
There have been many rewards. One of the most memorable for me was receiving the SRU Distinguished Alumni Award in 2016. I feel both proud and humble. Proud because I came full circle at Slippery Rock University starting as a student and ending as a member of the faculty. I feel humble because I was selected from all of the great teachers that Slippery Rock has produced since my graduation in 1967.
4. What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program at SRU?
Work hard realizing that college is not just about preparing you to be a teacher but it is also preparing you to be an adult on the journey of life. Approach teacher preparation understanding that you are going to be a member of the #1 profession. The reason teaching is #1 is because teachers create/produce/develop (chose whichever word you want) all of the other professions. If it wasn’t for teachers there would not be any Doctors, Lawyers, Mechanics, Financial Consultants, Technology Specialist, Truck Drivers, etc. Teachers make it happen and impact society. Teachers are #1.
5. What makes a great teacher?
Great teachers possess three things: Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions. To be a great teacher you must have Knowledge of the content and because information is constantly changing you must continue adding to your knowledge base. You must also have Skills. One example is the skill of being able to motivate students. Finally, the most important you must have positive Dispositions. Examples are: being able to work with others even when they disagree with you. Maintaining a positive attitude even when sometimes you feel challenged or discouraged by what students and parents may say or do.
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