Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Amanda Carnes

C:\Users\Amanda\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\20161210_171417_Burst01.jpg

Where are you teaching? What subjects and grades?
I am currently a special education teacher for Easter Seals. We are an approved private school for children ages 3-8. I teach life skills as well as the implementation of the verbal behavior program in the classroom.

What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program?
To be successful in the teacher education program, you must be dedicated to studying and practicing different teaching techniques to successfully execute lessons to students. Current teacher education students need to be aware of deadlines for certification tests to prepare for graduation.

What is one positive experience that you have had with a student?
I have had many positive experiences with students. I would have to say the greatest experience with a student with special needs is when I taught a specific picture card for the student to label, and they were able to identify the picture aloud.  To many this may seem simple.  But in reality, and for this student, this represented a real milestone.

What makes a great teacher?
A great teacher thinks “outside the box,” is not afraid to get messy, and ensures students are retaining skills as well as maintaining them across other environments. Also, a great teacher always reflects what they could do differently after teaching.

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