Friday, May 3, 2019

Rachel Kingston

1. What is your educational background and what positions have you held?
I dual majored in Early Childhood and Special Education at SRU. After I graduated I taught ESY at Keystone Oaks and then I moved to Charleston, SC. In South Carolina I co-taught kindergarten and loved it! My husband and I moved back for his job and I worked at Grove City for a few months doing Ameri-Corps until I was present with the opportunity to teach at Sto-Rox. Now I currently teach in the Sto-Rox Therapeutic support classroom with kindergarten-third grade students!
2. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is watching kids grow academically and behaviorally. A lot of my students struggle with self-regulation and watching them be able to control their emotions, talk things out and move on with their day is so dang cool.
3. What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program, and to SRU students generally?
I would tell them to soak up every single minute of college. Take every field experience and run with it. That is one of the best times to learn and grow. Ask as many questions as possible and get as much experience as you can!
4. Name an SRU experience or faculty that had a positive influence on you and explain why.
Dr. Jeremy Lynch is by far the best professor I have ever had. He was always someone who I looked up to and admired. The way he teaches he models real life application and does his very best to help us succeed in whatever he’s teaching us. I had the privilege to study abroad with him to the Dominican Republic and it was such a cool experience to see education from a very different prospective. I can’t thank Dr. Lynch enough for all he did for me and continues to do!
5. What makes a great teacher?
A great teacher is someone who is ready and willing to learn and be flexible. As an educator things are constantly changing and evolving. Be ready to adapt to the diverse needs of students and always do what’s best for the kids because that’s why you’re there. Never ever give up on your students. You are their light and you help create the pathway for their success.

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