Monday, December 2, 2019

Wally Wolanin

1. What school district and grade/s do you currently teach?
Currently I am the School Programs Supervisor at the Oklahoma City Zoo. The curriculum that I create covers students from ages 4-12. I am not a traditional teacher. My position is creating curriculum that fits state and zoo standards. I work closely with teachers at the zoo to deliver a quality program to our visiting students.  

2. What do you love most about teaching?
Definitely the interaction with people. Both youth and adults add so much joy to the program. Getting to be around people as they have fun and learn is priceless! 

3. What has been your most rewarding experience as a teacher/professor? If you cannot narrow it to one, describe one rewarding experience.
This is a tough question for sure but one experience that stands out is when I was working at a camp in New Mexico. There was a storm coming so I ran out of my office to take the flags down. This gentleman came over to help me as the rain started. We got to talking about what an amazing week him and his son had and how it had always been their goal to come to this camp. As the conversation went on, he informed me that at one point, him and his son had been homeless and the thought of going to this camp got them through the hard times. Luckily they had a fantastic experience and could not wait to come back. This taught me that we might not know the stories of people we interact with, but we need to make sure they have a great time.  

4. What advice would you give to current students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program at SRU?
When I graduated there were not a lot of openings for teaching jobs. After searching for a while, I took the less direct route. Even though I currently am not a teacher, I have always worked with children in one capacity or another. Don’t be afraid to look at other careers routes that are not traditional teaching! No matter what job searching is hard but don’t give up and there are a lot of positions out there that are looking for an educational background. 

5. What makes a great teacher?
A great teacher are those who truly care for the students. There will be a lot of distractions that will divide your attention, but a great teacher never looses sight of why they are there, the kids. 

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